
Use natural language to extract the data you need

Turn any website into structured data with our

AI-enhanced scraping API

Forget about complicated css or xpath selectors

Get the data you need, the way you need.

Take your data extraction to new heights with our Scraping and Parsing API. Effortlessly gather information from any public webpage. Equipped with features like a built-in proxy rotator and JavaScript rendering, our API simplifies your data collection process.

With our advanced AI-driven parsing technology, you don't need to wrestle with complex CSS selectors or XPath. Just specify what information you need, and our AI handles the rest. Whether you're collecting real estate data, monitoring prices, or extracting reviews, ParsingAPI streamlines the process, making web scraping accessible and efficient for everyone.

Why choose parsingapi?

Effortless Data Extraction

Simply provide a link and describe the data you need in natural language; receive a structured JSON file in moments.

Designed for Flexibility

Our system adapts seamlessly to changes in website structures, ensuring that you continue to receive the data you need.

Multiple Page Management

Easily process several different pages at the same time without needing to set up individual scraping configurations.

Got an idea

for a scraping project?

parsingapi is currently in closed Beta